Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Because this is what I wanted...

Okay, so I think this blog project might be just what I needed.  Here I am, first semester back in school after almost 8 years and I haven't once written about how I felt about anything.  Moreover, I've undertaken the formidable (sometimes, anyway) task of trying to learn Japanese.  You know the one question I get more often than any other one?  "Why didn't you just take Spanish?"  You have no idea how much this question grates on my soul.  I think my mom asked it first, which, interestingly enough, doesn't bother me.  I kinda expected that from mom.  It's when other people ask me that that I really get ticked off.  "Everyone is speaking Spanish now."  "It's so much more useful." "What are you gonna do with Japanese?"  "You're a math major.  Shouldn't you have just picked an easy language?"  Honestly, I don't do entirely too much for myself.  For the most part, I do things because they need to be done or because I'm doing them for someone else.  But, this decision, this choice was purely my own and done solely for my own benefit.  If I'm gonna sit though 2 years of a foreign language, you can be sure that it's going to be something that I wanna do.  Don't get me wrong: I took Spanish in high school.  It IS useful.  But, this is what I want.  And, you know what?  I don't feel bad about that.  Even if I started for shallow reasons like wanting to be able to watch anime and understand the audio or wanting to know what all of those interesting symbols mean on products from Japan.  You know, maybe I'd like to be able to actually sing along with Utada Hikaru for once and not have to look up what she's saying to say, "Oh, that's a nice song.  I can relate."  And, guess what:  I'm getting somewhere.  I see Hiragana in my life and I don't say, "Oh, squiggly lines..."  I see "katamari"  and "sushi" and "rei" and I'm not struggling to do it.  And, it's ever so much more satisfying than Spanish ever was.  So, no, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not learning Spanish.  And, that is オーケー. Because this is just as nice.  And, it's what I want. 


  1. はじめまして。ストレフです。どうぞよろしく。ノトロダムのいちねんせえです。

    Like you, I am often asked why I am taking Japanese since nobody speaks it. I have been to Japan and love it! I want to be able to study abroad. Its nice to know that someone else bucked the system and didn't take Japanese. Good luck this year!

    1. Lol! Thanks for the well wishes! I'll be sure to buckle down and get this right so I can go yell at people in Japan just like you!

  2. I feel you man. I got a lot of the "Spanish is better for you" rhetoric as well. でも、日本語は一番です!

  3. Okay, I love anime, and I love Hikaru Utada. We should be best friends. はじめまして、 ぼくは ウィンです。 どおぞ よろしく。 I've taken Spanish before taking Japanese too, but don't give up. Its worth it to feel like a boss while watching anime or singing with Utada.

    1. Lol! We should be buddies! What anime do you like?! Favorite Hikki song?! *sigh* I can't wait until that boss feeling hits! Takes three days or so, right?!

  4. ブロンさん!宇多田ヒカルを大好きです!(宇多田ヒカル=うただひかる、大好きです=だいすきです(to love/like a lot))何のアニメを好きますか?(何=なん/なに、好きです=すきです(to like))

    Oh yeah, you might try out jisho.org, if'n you haven't discovered it already.

    1. Also, a little bit of kanji explanation since we haven't learned anything yet. 宇=universe, cosmos (breaking down the char by parts the top part means roof, the bottom at, in, on, from; 多 = many; 田=field (where you plant crops)because if you look at it looks like four plots of planted crops with paths to walk in between and around them. 大=big, 好=good (literally female/woman on the left + child on the right = good thus philosophically the Chinese were saying that having a woman and a kid(s) = good (that's literally how it was explained to me by my Taiwanese Chinese teacher in Chinese I)

    2. Lol! Dude, the stuff you know sometimes throws me for a loop! Stop doing that!!! And, stop rushing the class! We'll get to Kanji when we get there! I'm still trying to learn かたかな! Lol!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I just do what I can XD How's the katakana treatin ya now? カタカナ、今、どうですか。

      ブログを書いてよね! (~write your blog, ok!~)


  5. ブロンさんは すすがくを べんきょうしますか? That's awesome. I'm studying CompSci and Applied Math. :)

    And yeah, I picked up Japanese because I thought it would be fun. I took French in high school.

    1. CompSci and Applied Math?! My hat is off to you, you brave person you! I had a lot of friends who took French in high school. I hear French, Spanish, and Italian were all really similar on a basic level. But, this is way different. Still nice, though. I feel like we're learning a lot. Right?

  6. Great Post! I have had the same experience, especially with my parents of, "Why don't you just take Spanish?". And my answer is similar to yours, because I will enjoy my foreign language (and perhaps excel more) if I study a language that I am more interested in!

    1. The great Will Smith said, "Parents Just Don't Understand!" Lol! But, seriously, you're right: we probably will excel learning something we're interested in and, at a bare minimum, it is fun. I honestly feel like I am learning a lot in this class. And, if grades are any indication, this is one of my better classes! Lol!

  7. はじめまして。ジャレッド なんばです。

    I enjoyed your post ブロンさん! Much like you and Parker, an intrinsic desire motivated me to explore the Japanese language. I am an economics major and have been repeatedly advised to take up Chinese. However, my inspiration resides in the Japanese culture. I followed my instincts ending up here in えぐちせんせいの クラス with you all!

    どうぞ よろしく!

    1. I'm pretty sure the Japanese do a lot of business too! I'm sure knowing にほんご can help as an economics major! Glad to have you in クラス!!!

  8. hope you will have fun in this class :)
